Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Little, Yellow Clock

While staying in Yardley we went to this awesome flea market called The Golden Nugget, where you can find lots of cool stuff.  This clock table was incredible; they were all ticking away furiously and it sounded surreal.  I was enamored by the yellow one, so I bargained it down to half price, took it home, and then got sort of obsessed with taking pictures of it for 5 minutes (it's so little and cute and perfect).  It winds up and has a very persistent tick, which depending on my mood, can make me feel either like being productive, or anxious - the other night I was having weird dreams and I got up to shove it in a pile of sweaters in my dresser.  It now sits proudly on my desk.


  1. I grew up with various vintage and antique clocks ticking and chiming all around the house. That is a wonderful memory. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Oh my goodness!!! That clock is AMAZING!! I spotted it in the first picture and got a little obsessed with it myself. :) If you ever go back... I might have you so in search of one for me and then reimburse you. Or... I'll come and visit you in MA and we can go together. :D
