Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Busy and Buzzing

Things have been so crazy busy lately, it's nuts!  A never-ending siege of opera performances, rehearsals, exams, quizzes, and papers is pounding at my door.  By never-ending, I mean hopefully calming down by Saturday, because although things have been hectic for a couple weeks, due dates and schedules demand it should start winding down around then.  Ah, Saturday, come sooner!  but also don't, because I need way more time to get everything done before you arrive.  Everyone is in the same boat at this time of the semester, which is kind of nice, in a twisted way.  My landlord and I crossed paths today while we were both doing chores, and he told me that this is the point where his blood pressure literally starts to rise (He's a geography professor.), and that apparently doing chores helps to lower it.  Isn't that interesting?  I guess that explains the dire need to do dishes and sweep I felt when I got home.  Yesterday my friend and I took an hour for a much-needed sun-soak while sitting in the grass (We've been having beautiful, beautiful weather and little time to enjoy it.) and then sipped these cute espressos, all of which helped fuel the rest of the afternoon.  No matter how much is on your plate, you need time and space to sit and breathe every day...although today's had to be lumped in with taking a shower :)

1 comment:

  1. gosh, i can't wait for your wisdom to be passed on to mo jr. i love you. i imagine wherever he/she is now is already absorbing it all. okay, back to these bizarre rosemary potato/squash patties i'm experimenting with. slllllllllllllllllop! xo!
