Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Birthday Week

Hooray! My last post already seems so far away because the sun has started shining, the breeze blowing, temperature rising, and now all the snow is gone and it feels springy! I hope it is here to stay. I was looking through some photos today that I took during my "Birthday Week." I had decided that the week before my birthday I would do one small, special thing each day to make the days feel a little out of the ordinary, and to put me in the mindset of transitioning into my next year. See, it's already starting to feel like time goes by so quickly, and I know it will just continue to race forward as I get older. I don't like the idea of my birthday flying by in one day and barely having time to realize I've reached a different number. I just need a little more time to I like celebrating birthdays! Well anyway, the week started off well, but then I caught some sort of flu-like virus, which was the pits. I was knocked off my feet for a couple days and birthday week seemed to be officially derailed. There were some bright moments though; Will came over to make soup multiple times, and Trish sent many funny texts to help me smile :) These photos are from the beginning of the week, a visit to a French bakery just 2 blocks from my apartment that recently opened - it is so good - with my friend Nicola. Everything is delicious (amazing croissants and quiche) and filling, and the atmosphere charming. If you order coffee or cafe au lait they serve it in a bowl, which is nice because, some days, mugs just don't seem large enough. Also, I started using a new bar of soap that I received as a gift from some friends when they were passing through, which doesn't sound like too big of a deal, but it's just a really nice bar of soap. It smells so clean! It's Swedish and it's so pretty, and in case you'd like to give it a scrub, here it is.

So you see, it was still a nice week despite getting sick. And now I am 26! (Does that sound old??)

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