Sunday, September 2, 2012

"Don't Be Flip"

Last weekend was my first in Lexington, and I had been feeling very scattered and unsettled, when all of a sudden one of my best friends came for a quick, unplanned visit.  Nic (no photos of him from the weekend, but here he is scoping out some Parisian pants) is a very comforting presence, and in one weekend furniture was picked out, my apartment largely set up, and the city became a much more familiar place.  It seems to be full of colorful buildings and people.  When we stopped in at a secondhand furniture store, we purchased items from a woman who talked our ears off, and said things like, "I live down on 7th Street, on the nice end.  I mean, I thought I lived on the nice end, but I can't even get a pizza delivered to my house!"  And those first few photos are a wall of a coffeeshop that has potential for placement on the favorite-city-stops list.  We also went to an awesome restaurant called The Village Idiot, and ate things like "Devils on Horseback", which are dates stuffed with goat cheese and orange marmalade, wrapped in bacon, and drizzled with honey.  Good God!  

Nic and I share a common favorite poet, Todd Boss, who wrote, "Don't Be Flip when you drop your mate at the dock."   I really like that.  So, no coolness, no coyness, just many, many sincere thanks to my friend, who swooped in and made me feel relaxed about a major to-do list, and excited about moving to a new city!

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