Friday, December 7, 2012

Baby Beans

This lady has a surprise up her sleeve...and in her tummy!  I am ecstatic to say that Trish and Justin are now expecting Mo Jr to come into the world this summer, and I will soon be an Aunt.  A cousin-aunt.  A cousint?   Cousaunt?  I am so excited!  Here is his/her first picture!

We are all obsessed with looking at it.  Trish is the first person I'm close with to be pregnant, and it's so interesting to hear about how the baby affects her body, and everything she and Justin are beginning to go through.  They are on an exceptionally wild roller coaster because Justin is now involved in a project in Egypt, and they are moving there for 9 months in January.  So yes, the baby will be born abroad!  They are over there right now for a couple of weeks scoping out the scene and looking for a place to live, and started their own blog to tell unique stories.  

I've always been interested in reading about women's pregnancy experiences, but now I'm super into it.  Here is a cool article about the connection and movement of cells between mother and child.  Also, I was always under the impression you were supposed to cut out coffee while pregnant, but look at this.  (That makes me breath a sigh of relief at the idea of going through it myself one day...)  Trish and I have spent time talking about how the experience is different for everyone, and it's really important for a mother to do what feels right for her.  Looking forward to learning and sharing more about all of this!  Much love to Trish, J, and the little spud :)

1 comment:

  1. the mo bean is very high in protein, fiber, and boasts an exotic... yet comforting... flavor. it's a power-house of a bean for feeling energized and staying regular.

    this post is super cute and smart and totally warms m'heart!
