Friday, February 8, 2013

T.W.O.R.G.B. - Day 5

The Week of Really Good Breakfasts - Day 5:  Spalding's Donuts 

Spalding's is a bakery that is both joyously and tragically located a quick walk from my apartment. Their big specialty is donuts, and oh. my. God.  they are unbelievable.  Seriously they are so good.  No really, you don't understand, they are sooooo good.  It is also joyous and tragic that they are pretty inexpensive, which is why there are a plateful shown above.  I guess when I picked them up my thinking was somewhere along the lines of "Ok, one for right now, one for...elevensies, or something?"  I can at least solemnly swear that I did not eat more than half of them today.  Ahem.

Go there!  If you are able.

ps:  I know this is something an obnoxious person would say,'s like I can actually feel the amazing combination of fat and sugar on display before you move to my waist when I look at the pictures.  Or maybe the pictures just remind me of what I ate?  Good grief.


  1. amazing!! dude. benjamin and I feel the same way because we live a block away from one of Chicago's oldest bakeries and their fresh donuts are incredible. every saturday morning after the gym we go. so...i'll be there in about 2 hrs :)
