Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Playing Carpenter

You guys!  I built this bookshelf!  Yes, it is a simple design (ladder style), and yes, it is maybe a little over the top with the paint job...but I had an idea of what I wanted, and I started the project, and I finished it, and that is an awesome feeling.  The whole thing cost about $10.  I picked up some old boards, put on some paint, measured angles, drilled holes, put in screws, leaned it against the wall, and voila!  I'm still deciding exactly how to fill all the shelves.  It's part of my room redo (That wall color is new, too.).  Before and after pictures of the room will be shared...

1 comment:

  1. ah! this is so goooood! seriously PRO-fesh, mo! i wish you could see my eyes all bugged-out! that stamp could be your logo or insignia or something for your future line of mo-scellaneous awesome art/craft/carpentry projects!

    and i love that crazy left-wing aloe plant. it's so radical and alive and seems to really want to leap out the window to run away with the sun.

    love you. xox.
